Nexus Q : quand ça veut pas, ça veut pas

J’avais déjà dis lors de la sortie du Nexus Q que je ne comprenais pas vraiment l’intérêt du truc, et que du coup je ne voyais pas comment il allait pourvoir être, de près ou de loin, un succès commercial. Et bien il s’avère que les faits vont plutôt dans ce sens, car Google a repoussé la sortie de la Nexus Q, sans donner de date. Officiellement pour prendre en compte les premiers retours et suggestions (je ne retrouve plus où j’ai lu ça). Ils ne prévoient plus que d’envoyer des exemplaires qu’aux gens qui les ont déjà commandés.   

Cf le billet qu’en a fait MG Siegler.


I still haven’t used a Nexus Q myself, but everyone I know who has says almost exactly what Frederic Lardinois lays out here. It’s a total quagmire of a product. And it’s not just the obscenely high ($299) price point.

The Q once again show a key difference between Apple and Google. There’s no way Apple releases this product as-is. They’d either kill it before release or keep refining it until it was ready. You can say that the original Apple TV was a dud, but it was a thousand times more useful than this thing.

Google clearly realized what a joke this thing was shortly after they gave them away at I/O, which is why the product is now indefinitely “postponed”. And why they’ll be giving them away to the few who did pre-order. But I continue to wonder how on Earth they didn’t realize what a turd they had in their hands before the unveiling?

They had hundreds (if not thousands) of employees testing this thing for the past few months. Was everyone too afraid to speak up? Stockholm syndrome?

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